Chronologie du théorème des quatre couleurs
Boudia, Soraya. “Naissance, extinction et rebonds d’une controverse scientifique.” Mil neuf cent. Revue d’histoire intellectuelle, no. 25 (January ): 157–70.
Calude, Andrea S. “The Journey of the Four Colour Theorem through Time,” Juin 2001.
Calude, Cristian S., and Elena Calude. “The Complexity of the Four Colour Theorem.” LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics 13 (August 2010): 414–25.
“Four Colors Suffice.” Princeton University Press. Accessed April 26, 2017.
Inria. “La Preuve Mathématique Par Informatique !” Inria. Accessed January 26, 2017.
Mackenzie, Donald. Mechanizing Proof - Computing, Risk and Trust. New Ed. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2004.
Tymoczko, Thomas. “The Four-Color Problem and Its Philosophical Significance.” The Journal of Philosophy Vol. 76 No 2 (February 1979).
Vilfred Kamalappan, V. “The Four Color Theorem - A New Proof by Induction,” November 1, 2017.
Wang, Qizhi. “A Search of The Four-Color Theorem and Its Higher Dimensional Generalization,” February 8, 2014.
Wilson, Robin James, and Ian Stewart. Four Colors Suffice : How the Map Problem Was Solved. Princeton Science Library. Princeton (N.J.) : Oxford : Princeton University Press. cop. 2014., 2014.
Controverse autour de la preuve de 1976
Arkoudas, Konstantine, and Selmer Bringsjord. “Computers, Justification, and Mathematical Knowledge.” Minds and Machines 17, no. 2 (July 1, 2007): 185–202.
M.Rufener, Casey. “The Four-Color Theorem Solved, Again: Extending the Extended Mind to the Philosophy of Mathematics,” July 30, 2011.
Tymoczko, Thomas. “Computers, Proofs and Mathematicians: A Philosophical Investigation of the Four-Color Proof.” Mathematics Magazine Vol. 53, No. 3 (May 1980).
Assistants de preuve
Bundy, Alan. “Automated Theorem Provers: A Practical Tool for the Working Mathematician?” Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 61, no. 1 (January 1, 2011)
Dick, Stephanie. “AfterMath: The Work of Proof in the Age of Human–Machine Collaboration.” Isis 102, no. 3 (2011): 494–505.
Gallego Arias, Emilio Jesús, Benoît Pin, and Pierre Jouvelot. “jsCoq: Towards Hybrid Theorem Proving Interfaces,” January 24, 2017.
Geuvers, H. “Proof Assistants: History, Ideas and Future.” Sadhana 34, no. 1 (February 1, 2009)
Gonthier, Georges. “Formal Proof–the Four-Color Theorem.” Notices of the AMS 55, no. 11 (2008)
Le Génie Mathématique, Du Théorème Des Quatre Couleurs À La Classification Des Groupes, n.d.
Gonthier, Georges, Beta Ziliani, Aleksandar Nanevski, and Derek Dreyer. “How to Make Ad Hoc Proof Automation Less Ad Hoc.” In Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, 163–75. ICFP ’11. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2011.
Inria. “Georges Gonthier Rejoint L’équipe SPECFUN Du Centre Inria Saclay – Île-de-France.” Inria.
“Nicolas Tabareau : Démocratiser Les Assistants de Preuve.” Inria.
Interactive Theorem Proving and Program Development [Texte Imprimé]: Coq’Art: The Calculus of Inductive Constructions. Texts in Theoretical Computer Science (Print) 1862-4499, n.d.
Martin, Ursula. “Computers, Reasoning and Mathematical Practice.” In Computational Logic, 301–46. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1999.
Zimmermann, Théo, and Hugo Herbelin. “Automatic and Transparent Transfer of Theorems along Isomorphisms in the Coq Proof Assistant,” September 7, 2015.
Développements après 2004
Cesare, Chris. “Maths Whizz Solves a Master’s Riddle.” Nature News 526, no. 7571 (October 1, 2015): 19.
Dick, Stephanie. “AfterMath: The Work of Proof in the Age of Human–Machine Collaboration.” Isis 102, no. 3 (2011): 494–505.
Inria. “Un Grand Succès Pour La Preuve Informatique.” Inria.
Lamb, Evelyn. “Two-Hundred-Terabyte Maths Proof Is Largest Ever,” May 20, 2016.
“La plus Grosse Preuve de L’histoire Des Mathématiques.” CNRS Le Journal.
“La Preuve Par L’informatique.”, August 31, 2015.
Discussions autour de la notion de preuve
Baker, Alan. “Non-Deductive Methods in Mathematics,” August 17, 2009.
Balacheff, Nicolas. “Processus de Preuve et Situations de Validation (Proving Processes and Situations for Validation).” Educational Studies in Mathematics, Mai 1987.
Bettina, Heintz. When Is a Proof a Proof?, n.d.
Calude, Cristian S., and Christine Müller. “Formal Proof: Reconciling Correctness and Understanding.” In Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 217–32. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009.
Dowek, Gilles. Les Métamorphoses Du Calcul, Une Étonnante Histoire de Mathématiques. Paris: Le Pommier, 2007.
Kriener, Jael, Andy King, and Sandrine Blazy. “Proofs You Can Believe In: Proving Equivalences Between Prolog Semantics in Coq (long Version).” Science of Computer Programming, 2014.
McEvoy, Mark. “Experimental Mathematics, Computers and the a Priori.” Synthese 190, no. 3 (February 1, 2013)
Micali, Silvio. Proofs, Secrets, and Computation, n.d.
Pollack, Robert. “How to Believe a Machine-Checked Proof | Pollack | BRICS Report Series.”
Rehmeyer, Julie. “How to (really) Trust a Mathematical Proof.” Science News, September 23, 2013.
Thurston, William. “On Proof and Progress in Mathematics.” For the Learning of Mathematics, February 1995.
Underwood, Dudley. Mathematical Cranks. Spectrum. Mathematical Association of America, 1992.
Voevodsky, Vladimir. What If Current Foundations of Mathematics Are Inconsistent?.
Weber, Keith. “How Mathematicians Determine If an Argument Is a Valid Proof.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, July 2008.
Zimmermann, Théo, and Hugo Herbelin. “Automatic and Transparent Transfer of Theorems along Isomorphisms in the Coq Proof Assistant,” September 7, 2015.